Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This is the 10-9 (Nano) Chorus!!!

Hello buddies!!! After a lot of work, this is my newest result: 10-9 Chorus Pedal! Note that, the painting has been made with silkscreen method in the last years! I have to say that this is an awesome technique because you have opportunity to invest your money in low cost materials, rather than to waste it with adhesives or others process don't have long-term result. Enjoy it. Sorry for my delay!! Thanks for emails! PS: I will write my publications in English from now on because the majority of my visits are due people from overseas in order to create a great exchange of ideas as well. God blesses everyone!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Plaquinhas do Mini Amp 6W prontas!!!

Seguem fotos das plaquinhas prontas!!

Layout do Mini AMP 6W!

Olha o Layout como ficou bonitinho. rsrss.. O layout menor refere-se ao módulozinho do Headphone. Enjoy it. Deus abençoe a todos

Mini Amp 6W!!

Segue esquemático do Mini AMP de 6W, galera!!! Ele funciona com uma tensão de 9V. Bastante útil para aqueles que precisam praticar no ônibus... hehee. Ah... Tem uma entrada para Headphone tb!! Abraços